Federal budget’s ‘perfect storm’ for Wyndham

Wyndham housing, education and employment services gathered to voice their concerns about the federal budget last week.

Opposition finance spokesman Tony Burke was in Werribee on Thursday to talk with about 20 organisations, including Wyndham council.

Mr Burke said that all the groups raised concerns about Wyndham’s unemployment rate of 8.8 per cent, 2.4 per cent above the national average.

“The strongest thing that came from today for me was that these people are dealing with the most disadvantaged in the community … one of them described it as a perfect storm,” Mr Burke said.

“Things need to get better, yet they are getting worse in a big way.”

Health, with a particular focus on mental health, housing and job support programs were also regarded as major issues.

Mr Burke said a national jobs plan was needed to stop Wyndham from falling further behind national standards in a number of areas.

Lalor MP Joanne Ryan said the day was a good opportunity for the Wyndham community to pass on a strong message to a front-bench politician.

“I’m pleased Tony was able to hear first-hand from our local services about the budget impact,” Ms Ryan said.

“I’m certain he will recount the local impact back in Canberra when Parliament returns in a couple of weeks.

“This budget rips out vital money needed for roads and community facilities needed in this high-growth area.”