THE HILLIER VIEW: No nudes, is good nudes

I applaud Wyndham council’s decision to strip residents of their right to air their differences at Campbell Cove beach.

Put your pants back on everyone. I am a great admirer of the human body, but let’s be honest here – some are far more attractive than others.

I know I look better in clothes; most of us do.

The beach should be a place to take the family to enjoy themselves without having to explain certain people’s body parts and dangly bits to a five-year-old.

I have never been nude on a beach so I can’t say whether it’s an exhilarating experience or lets you feel at one with nature. I have no idea. I wear board shorts and have enough trouble keeping sand out of certain delicate areas. Then there is the issue of sunburn. I can only imagine the pain when your bits turn bright red.

When I raised this topic on social media many responders said that while they preferred to wear swimmers themselves, they thought it was only fair that naturists have the right to choose.

It was suggested that I was from a bygone era, and should get over myself and embrace the feeling of swimming unencumbered.

I was also told of experiences where a couple accidentally went to a nude beach and didn’t know where to look as they rounded a corner to be confronted by a naked 80-year-old.

One response detailed a beach in France where the kiosk had a line drawn down the middle of the aisle. On one side were the clothed customers, on the other side the naked ones.

A long-time naturist was adamant that there are fewer ‘pervy’ people on nude beaches, something that can’t be backed up by facts and figures.

That’s not really the point of this piece. Sunbake nude – in your backyard. Swim unencumbered – in your own pool. Dance naked – in your lounge room.

You can invite people to join you and they have the option to accept or decline.

Call me whatever you like, but I say people of Wyndham, keep your clothes on!

Your thoughts are more than welcome.

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