WYNDHAM WEST GROWTH: $533 million boost | What’s included?

>> See below for what’s included in the massive plan

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More than $500 million will be invested in roads and infrastructure in Wyndham’s west by the state government, council and developers, allowing crucial Werribee west arterial roads to be built within three years.

Last week, Planning Minister Matthew Guy announced a $533 million development contribution plan for Wyndham’s west, providing funding for community facilities, roads and sports fields across seven precincts in the next 30 years.

Among the projects to receive funding is the Armstrong and Ison roads link between the Werribee River and the Princes Freeway. Wyndham council will borrow $20 million to “forward fund” the project.

The plan also includes a proposed bridge over the Geelong rail line in Werribee west to provide greater access to the Princes Freeway for commuters.

Mr Guy said the Armstrong and Ison roads link would be built as a result of a “landmark” agreement between the government, council and developer Lend Lease. 

The first stage of the link is expected to be finished by 2017 and will include the building of Ison Road between the freeway and rail line, as well as the construction of Armstrong Road between Ballan Road and Black Forest Road.

The remainder of the link will be built between 2018 and 2025.

“Construction of Armstrong Road and Ison Road is required early in the development of the Wyndham west sub-corridor,” Mr Guy said.

Cr Glenn Goodfellow said the council had already paid a substantial amount of its $21 million contribution to construction of Armstrong and Ison roads, while Lend Lease would deliver $52 million.

The remaining funding will be borrowed by the council, with the plan setting out how the council will be reimbursed.

Cr Goodfellow said other major road projects included in the plan were construction of Green and Black Forest roads.

What’s included in the $533 million Wyndham West Development Contributions Plan

■ Construction of the Armstrong Road and Ison Road link between the Werribee River and the Princes Freeway, providing alternative access to the freeway

■ Construction of a bridge over the Geelong railway line, reducing traffic on Cottrell Street

■ 15.6 kilometres of new roads

■ 33 intersections

■ 27 bridges

■ 18 full-sized sports fields

■ 122 hectares of open space

■ 6.3 hectares of community facilities

■ Stage one of the $1 billion Harpley estate

■ Approval of the Ballan Road and Westbrook precinct structure plans, providing 11,400 houses over 30 years

■ Alfred Road development precinct, providing 1200 homes

■ Future development precincts at Black Forest Road North, Bayview and Quandong, providing about 27,000 new homes


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Planning Minister Matthew Guy.