Wyndham Warriors ready to take on the world

Nothing is going to stop a group of determined Wyndham athletes from achieving success on the world stage.

Five members of the Wyndham Warriors BMX Club won’t let their age, gender or even broken bones stand in their way when they compete in the BMX world championships in the Netherlands later this month.

Six-year-old Tyler Young and Spencer McKee, 7, are the youngest riders to represent the club at world level.

Matt Young, Tyler’s father, will also suit up as he aims for his first world championship win.

Mandie Morgan and her brother Jordan round out the largest team the Warriors have sent to the competition.

Jordan is no stranger to the world stage. He is ranked fifth in the world in the 17-24-year age group and has claimed second, third, fourth and fifth places at the past four world championships.

Last year he made the finals and competed despite having a broken foot.

In 2012, Mandie was Wyndham’s first female state champion and she will be the first female from the Wyndham club to compete at international level.

Mandie will leave her 10-month-old baby Amelia at home to chase her dream of becoming the best in the world.

“I’ll miss her a lot,” Mandie says. “If I can win it would mean the hard work has paid off.  Just because you have children shouldn’t stop you from achieving your own dreams.”

The world championships will be in Rotterdam from July 23 to 27.