Council must do better, Wyndham survey indicates

Wyndham residents have told the council to improve its performance, saying it needs to do more to improve traffic congestion and fix public transport shortages and local roads.

A recent survey of 800 residents conducted by Metropolis Research for the council found that 15 per cent of people were dissatisfied with the council’s overall performance.

The figure is three times higher than the Melbourne metropolitan council average.

The survey found that issues relating to population growth were significantly affecting residents’ satisfaction with the council.

Residents also revealed they were unsatisfied with the council’s governance and leadership, rating it lower than the western region and Melbourne metropolitan council averages.

The results revealed more than 40 per cent of residents wanted the council to address traffic management issues, while 31 per cent listed road maintenance and repair as a big problem in the city.

Sixteen per cent said the council needed to address public transport problems.

Mayor Bob Fairclough said it was frustrating that the council was being marked down for issues that were not its responsibility.

He added that the survey results validated the need for the council’s $2 million congestion campaign directed at the state government.

“We are putting a lot of effort into the advocacy campaign.

“To leave Wyndham and return [by car] you are hitting congested

satellite roads. That was the driving force behind the congestion campaign.”

Public toilets, footpath maintenance and repairs, and the provision of permanent public art were also areas where residents were unhappy with the council’s performance.

They were most satisfied with the council’s garbage collection services, libraries and youth services, as well as its customer service.

Cr Fairclough said the council had scored well in services it was responsible for.

He said the proposed 2014-15 budget included funding for improvements to roads and footpaths and a public toilet strategy to boost community satisfaction.