YOUR VOICE: May 15-21

Councillor warns of 10 per cent rates

Well done, Cr Heather Marcus. Glad to see commonsense being applied. We need more of it.

Graeme O, via web

Exactly what Labor did. Put us into debt for years, now the Libs have us paying it off. Any councillor that votes for a 10 per cent rates hike will find themselves out on the street.

Plan It Right, via web

Kevin Hillier’s budget view

Let’s face it, Mr Hillier. Until Wyndham’s electorates become marginal, nothing will change. Taxpayers will foot the bill for the most urgent infrastructure upgrades. See the money to be spent on Dohertys Road.

Albert Fey, via web

Take the road safety pledge

On May 30, road users around Australia will take part in Fatality Free Friday, an event that aims to keep the day’s road toll to zero.

As a local lawyer representing crash victims, I see so much pain and suffering in people affected by road trauma, not just the immediate victims but also their families and friends.

I urge all road users to visit and pledge to drive safely and obey road rules. By looking out for each other and taking extra care, the road toll can be reduced.

Sarah Millen, Maurice Blackburn Lawyers

Napthine announces cheaper water

While Labor costs the community billions of dollars with an unworkable and unnecessary desalination plant, the Coalition returns a billion dollars to the community thanks to its superior economic management.

Why anyone would ever vote for Labor is beyond me.

Tony A, via web

High rental prices

There are 5769 properties for sale or rent in Wyndham. How do we get that turned into emergency housing for those who need it? Someone has to put up some money to make it all happen. Does anyone out there with a spare couple of million care enough to do anything, or do they only care about themselves?

Michael Young, via web