Wyndham community granted $5000 in funding

Wyndham schools and groups will share in $5000 from Stockland’s Community Grants Program to help fund community projects.

Last week, Stella Maris College, Alamanda K-9 College, Point Cook Neighbourhood Watch, Wyndham Community and Education Centre and Wyndham Little Buddies Toy Library were announced as the inaugural recipients of the grants, run by the owner of Point Cook Town Centre.

Stockland chief operating officer Michael Rosmarin said the grants were given to “worthy and deserving community organisations”. “[The organisations] help the communities in which we operate to thrive and we value their continued support and efforts,” he said.

More than 36 community groups applied for the grants.

The successful applicants will use their share of the $5000 to fund projects such as the Wyndham Multicultural Fiesta and school music programs.