We’re having a ball! Wyndham to celebrate 150 in style

Wyndham residents are being invited to dress in their finest as the city celebrates its history in elegant fashion.

To celebrate 150 years since Wyndham was proclaimed a shire in 1864, an elaborate ball will be held at one of its most iconic locations, the Werribee Mansion.

Fashion Awards Australia will host a gala ball.

Event organiser Heather Marcus told Star Weekly 150 years of the name Wyndham will be recognised in style.

“People can expect to go from the car park to the mansion in a glass horse-drawn coach. There will also be a piper and trumpeters on the front lawn announcing the arrival of guests,” Ms Marcus said.

“I don’t want to give too much away, but it’s going to be something quite special.”

The ball will be held on Friday, October 24, and Ms Marcus says she thinks residents will appreciate the chance to celebrate their city in style.

“I’ve lived here for 44 years and seen this city grow from a small country town of 8000 people to a sprawling city of 190,000,” she said.

“I’ve spoken to a lot of people and they’re all very proud of our history, and they think it’s important that new people come here to learn about it. There’s so much history here that we didn’t want this special occasion to go by without recognising it.”

Ticket prices for the gala ball will be announced at a later date.

Only 180 people will be able to attend due to the limited size of the venue.

For more information, call 9741 5146.