Jobs website launched for residents in Melbourne’s west

A new jobs website is being established to help residents in Melbourne’s west find jobs in the area.

Melbourne’s West Jobs, to be launched later this month by LeadWest, an advocacy group involving six councils including Wyndham, is aimed at being a one-stop shop for job seekers in the western suburbs.

LeadWest chairman Barry Harvey said the site was one of the group’s initiatives to help people in Melbourne’s west find jobs.

“This is not only a one-stop shop, but it’s very clearly branded for Melbourne’s west and will provide community pride and spirit,” he said.

“It will provide a vehicle for local jobs and support local government [councils] to keep people working in the community.

A benefit of the site is that it will allow employers the ability to “restrict” an advertised job locally/regionally for up to 30 days before releasing it to a wider market. “For example, it would allow people who were advertising a job in Melton to advertise it for people living in the postcodes around Melton for the first week, before it goes out to everyone.”

Mr Harvey said the website would have the capability to link up with existing job sites in Melbourne’s west, including the WynBay Local Learning and Employment Network and Melton council’s Workers Retraining and Adjustment Program.

“We’ve had really positive feedback from the councils and a lot of people are interested and asking when it will be launched.

‘‘We will be working with the councils economic departments to make sure the key messages are getting out.

“It’s quite a new product and the reaction has been positive.”

Latest Department of Workplace Relations data shows Wyndham’s unemployment rate is 8.6 per cent. Youth unemployment is about 17 per cent.