MY TOWN: Reward hospitality

Through a combination of factors, I found myself waitressing at a wedding on Valentine’s Day.

It was the first time I’ve carried a tray since I was a teenager and got my first job at the local Chinese restaurant in my home town of Mildura.

Back then I was excited to finally be earning a bit of pocket money and had bought a black shirt to wear, as instructed by the restaurant owner.

It was only worn the once.

After accidently smashing a couple of plates in the kitchen while trying to avoid the swinging service door, I was unceremoniously given the sack and sent home.

Given this provenance, I was understandably anxious about helping out an event manager friend who was woefully short staffed.

However, walking into the event, all nerves disappeared as I was immediately given a job and continued to work solidly for the next seven hours.

Everyone was polite and respectful to me and the other staff. But chatting to the other girls afterwards, it was clear that wasn’t always the case.

It made me appreciate just how hard people in hospitality work. I’ll be making sure that I’m extra polite when eating out in future.

And just for the record, all plates survived intact.

Emma Sutcliffe is a Little River-based freelance writer. You can find her on Facebook at ‘‘Little River Emma’’.