Weerama Festival: Hard times forced council’s hand

Wyndham council has defended its decision to reduce funding for this year’s Weerama Festival by almost 30 per cent.

Mayor Bob Fairclough said that due to “tight economic times”, the council had decided to cut funding, but it appreciated the festival committee’s hard work.

He revealed a growing demand for council funding, with 30 groups applying for $2.3million this financial year.

The council awarded $843,408 to 19 applicants.

“Wyndham City has a long-standing commitment to partnering with community groups through the provision of identified needs grants and community grants programs, along with other community building activities and projects,” Cr Fairclough said.

PICTURE GALLERY: Weerama Festival 2013

“Due to the tight economic environment and less income being provided through federal and state government grants, Wyndham City is under increasing pressure to balance competing priorities while ensuring our long-term financial sustainability in a way that maximises the benefits to the community.

The most recent round of Wyndham City’s community grants program was extremely competitive, with 30 applications for funding requesting a total of $2.3 million.

‘‘In reviewing the application for $60,000 funding for the Weerama Festival, the assessment panel approved a grant of $35,000 for the event.

“Wyndham City appreciates the hard work and efforts of the Weerama Festival committee in creating a fantastic community celebration. We look forward to another spectacular event in March.”

Last week, festival director Warrick Lynch said this year’s festival would be a three-day event, celebrating its 35th anniversary with a new logo designed by Daniella Acciarito, of the Wyndham Community Arts Alliance.

“We have worked hard to ensure this [funding cut] doesn’t affect the quality of the festival,” Mr Lynch said.

» weerama.org.au