What’s on around Wyndham

Expressions of interest: Yerambooee Community Centre seeks interest in school holiday programs, aerobics classes and a kids’ Friday night disco, at 55 Maple Crescent, Hoppers Crossing. Details: info@yerambooee.org.au

Market 1: Undercover fruit and veg market 9am-1pm this Saturday at the Italian Sports Club of Werribee, 601 Heaths Road. Details: 97411225.

Market 2: Simply Boutique Market is an outdoor market with speciality stalls, from 10am-3pm this Sunday, at Kelly Park, Cherry Street, Werribee. Details: simplyboutiquemarket@yahoo.com

Opportunity knocks: All clothing items $1 each, 9am-1pm this Saturday at the Op Shop, 235 Derrimut Road, Hoppers Crossing. Funds raised go to charities. Details: 9748 8700.

Volunteer tutors: AMES Werribee needs volunteers for up to two hours a week to help new arrivals learn English. Free training program is provided. Details: coccolik@ames.net.au