Point Cook market: Santa Claus will be making a special visit to the Point Cook Market on Sunday, with stallholders also needed for inside, outside undercover and marquee sites. Go to: jamiesonwaycc.org.au
Christmas fair: Santa will visit the Lollipop Creek Christmas Fair between 10am and 2pm on December 8, at Iramoo Community Centre, 84 Honour Avenue, Wyndham Vale. Details: 8742 3688.
Volunteer tutors: AMES requires volunteers for up to two hours a week to help new arrivals learn English. A free training program is provided. Details: 8744 0011.
Christmas presents: Crossroads Uniting Church has workshops for primary school children where they can learn about Christmas with craft, games, drama and music, from 3.45-5.15pm Tuesdays, corner Synnot Street and Duncans Road, Werribee. Cost: $15. Details: 97411084.
Activity group: Werribee U3A provides activities for retired people. Come to an enrolment day on December 13 and see the many activities on offer, from tai chi, yoga, bridge, genealogy and languages to history, current affairs, computers and crafts. Details: 9749 1093.
Prime time: Salvation Army Wyndham City has an open invitation to a time of friendship over morning tea followed by church with a traditional Salvation Army flavour, 10am Thursdays, 211 Watton Street, Werribee. Details: 9741 7359.