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Tag: sisters

Sisters save the day

Sisters Fatima Tawil and Rayanne Elhouli have been recognised with a special award from St John Ambulance Victoria. The sisters, who both work in administration...

Sister act is ready for school

Five-year-old Eva and her big sister Milena will mark a special occasion next week. Eva will start prep at Point Cook P-9 College and Milena...

Happy end to dog’s tale

Sisters Lea, Tegan and Paige Thiele have set up a charity to help dogs, cats and pet owners in an impoverished area of South...

Sisters climb the Eureka for their dad

Two sisters are taking on the Eureka Stair Climb for their father’s sake. Bree and Samantha, daughters of Werribee identity Rick Wolany, will climb 88...


Welcoming, convenient living at the John Atchison Centre

In a delightfully convenient Hoppers Crossing location, mecwacare’s John Atchison Centre residential aged care facility is the perfect place for older people requiring care...

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