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Tag: musical

Show will shake it up

Stage show: It’s time to jump up and down in your blue suede shoes, fall in love and let yourself go. The songs of Elvis...

Sapphires on the stage

The Sapphires will hit the stage at the Wyndham Cultural Centre later this month. Wyndham’s arts, culture and heritage portfolio holder, Cr Tony Hooper, said...

Musical of swashbuckling pirates

Teenagers Elijah Beckitt and Shevaun Pope are the very model of modern musical performers. The young actors, who are both 19, will play the roles...

Footloose ready to roll

Students from a Werribee school will be rocking and rolling when they cut footloose and kick off their Sunday shoes next month. Pupils from...

Students take to the stage for Legally Blonde musical

Curtain up! Students at Thomas Carr College are preparing to take to the stage in their annual school musical, this year taking on Legally Blonde. Mahlee...

Peter Pan musical set for centre stage at Bacchus Marsh

Here’s to never growing up … not anytime soon. The boy who never grew old, Peter Pan, will be centre stage at Bacchus Marsh theatre...

The Sixties are coming to Werribee

Werribee will be transported back to 1960s Baltimore when a local theatre group takes on the musical Hairspray. A cast and crew of young Wyndham...


New SES chief announced

Victoria State Emergency Service (VICSES) has announced Robert Purcell as the agency’s new chief executive, with his tenure beginning on March 11. Most recently...