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Tag: gambling

Council takes a gambling stand

Wyndham council will partner with community organisations in a bid to raise awareness about the effects of gambling. The council will be running workshops, a...

Pokies’ losses ring up to $106m

More than $106 million has been lost on pokies in Wyndham in a 12-month period. Latest data from the Victorian Commission for Gambling and Liquor...

Brimbank ramps up pokies fight

By Ewen McRae ...

Wyndham pokie losses top $105m

Wyndham gamblers lost more than $105.5 million on poker machines during the 2017-18 financial year, the eighth-highest amount in the state. Figures released by the...

Council to boycott pokie venues

Wyndham council staff will be forbidden from organising council events and social outings at venues with poker machines, under a tough new draft policy. Last...

Wyndham faces poker machine increase

  The number of poker machines in Wyndham could rise by up to 15 per cent under proposed state government gambling reforms. The government announced a...

State cracks down on poker machines

  Restrictions will be placed on the number of poker machines allowed in Wyndham as part of sweeping gambling reforms introduced by the state government. The...

Wyndham pokies spend tops $97m

Wyndham’s pokies raked in more than $97.76 million in the 2016-17 financial year, the eighth-highest in Victoria’s municipalities. Brimbank topped the state with more than...

Council cuts the odds on gaming

Wyndham’s councillors have vowed to take a stand against the impacts of problem gambling, including poker machine addiction. Last week the council launched an update...

Review could lead to more pokies in Wyndham

Wyndham council is concerned that the number of poker machines allowed in the municipality will be increased as a result of a state government...

Local venues shun pokies pre-commitment trial

None of Wyndham’s 13 gaming venues will take part in a trial pre-commitment scheme for problem gamblers despite punters losing more than $93 million on...


New nurses lead the way

Truganina’s Vani Kaim is part of a new generation of nurses taking the next step in their career at St Vincent’s Private Hospital (SVPH)...