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Tag: aged care

$20m aged care plan

A planning application for a six to eight-storey aged care and retirement home in Werribee has been lodged with Wyndham council. The $20 million development,...

Where Elvis still reigns

The king of rock and roll lives on in the hearts of residents at Mercy Place Wyndham. They celebrated Elvis Presley recently by hosting a...

Volunteers bring cheer

Volunteers Kathleen Kretzschmar and Jeannine Thorley are part of the close-knit community at Mercy Place Wyndham. The two women are volunteers at the Werribee aged-care...

MY WYNDHAM: Michael Lim

Michael Lim started working as service manager at Mercy Place Wyndham a few months ago and he will soon move into Wyndham Harbour. He chats with...

Work order on aged-care cladding

A Werribee aged-care facility has been assessed as safe to live in despite a statewide cladding audit finding expanded polystyrene cladding in the building. The...

Dementia patients at home at the Lodge

  A Werribee aged care home is taking a unique approach to help residents with early to middle stage dementia stay involved in life. Baptcare’s Wyndham...

Elder abuse, the silent scourge

More needs to be done to prevent abuse of older people, according to an expert on the subject. Michele Wharrie, Wyndham council’s ageing, disability and...

Aged care centre for Williams Landing

A new aged care centre at Williams Landing will help accommodate Wyndham’s growing ageing population, a councillor says. Wyndham council’s disability, ageing and inclusion portfolio-holder...

Volunteers needed for aged care visits

Every Friday morning, Werribee’s Bill Hardy pops down to Baptcare Wyndham Lodge aged care centre and has a chin-wag with Barry Reid. Sometimes they talk...

Aged care done in high-quality Manor

Staff at Werribee aged-care centre Manor Court celebrate after it was recognised as one of the best in the nation. The Australian Aged Care Quality...


New SES chief announced

Victoria State Emergency Service (VICSES) has announced Robert Purcell as the agency’s new chief executive, with his tenure beginning on March 11. Most recently...