Sporting chance for kids

Players of the new Western Special Needs Basketball Club with Werribee Bendigo Bank’s Salva and Jeanette. Photo: supplied

Western suburbs children with disabilities finally have the opportunity to play basketball after a team was set up for players with special needs.

The Western Special Needs Basketball Club is the first in the western suburbs to be specifically established for children with physical and intellectual disabilities.

The club has one team of eight players, who compete against other special-needs teams across Melbourne at the end of each school term.

Last week, the players were presented with their jumpers by staff from Werribee’s Bendigo Bank, which has signed on as the club’s sponsor.Committee member Kylie Bozanic said the club was making a difference to the lives of children with disabilities.

“One of my sons is disabled,” she said. “He has never had a sport outlet like his brothers.

“The club is set up so special-needs kids have sport to keep them healthy.”

The team trains at Werribee’s Eagle Stadium from 5-6pm on Tuesdays.

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