Big plans for Manor Lakes cricket youngsters

Manor Lakes president Chris Riley, coach Jason Bell and assistant coach Aaron Millichip with juniors Jack Brooks, Lachie Riley, Jack Riley and Kane Brooks. Photo: Damjan Janevski

Manor Lakes Cricket Club is taking its junior coaching structure to a higher level.

The Storm has enlisted SC Cricket Coaching, a company run by Footscray Edgewater premiership guru Steve Chapman, to instruct and accredit its coaches.

With the club in just its second year, Storm president Chris Riley says it’s important that the coaches instil good habits in the players.

“We’ve hired a professional coaching company to come in and teach our coaches properly,” he said.

“We’re trying to establish a professional coaching element to it all and we’re investing a lot of money.

“It’s all about the culture of the club and setting the right standards, from mateship through to the spirit of cricket.

“I think it’s quite unique – not a lot of clubs have taken this approach.

“We’re trying to do it from a start-up level and get those professional structures in place.”

The Storm had four junior teams in its inaugural Western Region Junior Cricket Association season and will be aiming for at least six this season.

The club has sides in all senior grades in the Western Suburbs United Churches Cricket Association.

To achieve that, it must boast a strong junior structure and that starts with good coaching.

The Storm wants to tap into the sports talent at nearby Manor Lakes College by offering something that some other local clubs can’t.

The ultimate aim is to establish a Manor Lakes cricket academy to create a bridge between junior and senior cricket.

An important piece in the jigsaw for the Storm has been the arrival of head coach Jason Bell.

Bell will take a holistic approach to coaching and create a pathway for a seamless transition between juniors and seniors.

“He’s got a pretty big role to fulfil in terms of structuring up the whole cricket program,” Riley said.

“We’re building skills for kids to take the next progression … having that link between juniors and seniors is important.

“We’re expecting him to do a lot in that area.”

The Storm has appointed Adam Masterson to the role of first XI captain, with Adam Haler and Kevin Williams part of the leadership group.