VNL: Pressure ‘worse’ than grand final

CITY West Falcons coach Marg Lind has described the pressure of Wednesday night’s thrilling one-goal win over VU-Western Lightning in the western derby as “worse” than last year’s nerve-jangling Victorian Netball League grand final.

The Falcons emerged victorious 36-35 in an instant classic that see-sawed from start to finish.

Lind showed her relief and delight at the end of an absorbing game with a big pump of the fist.

“It was pressure personified,” Lind said. “Two tough opponents going head-to-head in a real physical contest.”

The biggest lead was five goals enjoyed by the Falcons at quarter-time. This came courtesy of some errors made by the Lightning out of the blocks.

The Falcons re-paid the favour with some errant passing early in the second, allowing the Lightning back in the game.

The sides were never separated by more than three goals over the last two and a half quarters.

The Falcons showed composure to close out the game. They played a game of keepings off with a succession of passes between Clare Moylan, Christie Barnes, Chloe Watson and Maggie Lind taking 110 seconds off the clock.

The Lightning would make one last forward push in the last 10 seconds, but could not get a shot up.