Wyndham’s budding scientists and inventors will again have the chance to demonstrate their skills and ingenuity when the Young Scientist Competition returns in September.
The sixth annual competition is presented by the VJ Academy, a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to promoting arts and science in Wyndham.
The VJ Academy’s Vijisha Venkatram urged students from across Wyndham to get involved.
“It‘s an open invitation to schools and students of Wyndham to have their inventions and ideas showcased as part of the Wyndham Learning Festival,” Ms Venkatram said.
The competition on September 7 is open to students from year seven to 12, though Ms Venkatram said this was flexible.
“We’ve been including grade six students due to demand from students and parents,” she said.
Students can enter individually, in pairs or in groups of up to six, with the aim of inventing something that will help the community.
A carbon-dioxide capture plant, a hydraulic crane with electromagnet, a water filtration boat, eco have and rainfall monitoring website are just some of the inventions contestants have come up with in recent years.
Registrations for this year’s event are open until September 4 and contestants are required to provide the details of their project and then bring a scale model with them on the day of competition.
The Young Scientist Competition will be held at the Wyndham Tech School as part of the Wyndham Learning Festival.
For more information and to register, visit: youngmindsofwyndham.com.au/
Cade Lucas.