Wyndham unemployment down


Cade Lucas

Wyndham experienced a slight drop in unemployment in the last quarter of 2023, but according to one observer jobless figures are no longer as reliable an economic indicator as they used to be.

Data in the quarterly Small Area Labour Market (SALM) report complied by Jobs and Skills Australia showed Wyndham’s unemployment rate dropped by point one of one percent in the three months to September 2023, from 4.6 to 4.5 per cent.

The figure is the equal third lowest in Wyndham since 2010, just point two of a per cent above the 4.3 per cent unemployment rate achieved in December 2022.

Wyndham’s unemployment rate has been below 5 per cent since March 2022, but with many workers struggling to survive due to cost of living pressures, Jacinta Stafford from the Wyndham Community and Education Centre said the data doesn’t tell the whole story.

“From what we’re seeing clients present with, it’s more around the challenges they’re facing due to the increase in cost of living at the moment being the bigger challenge (than employment),” said Ms Stafford.

Wyndham CEC provides community programs, educational opportunities and employment services to local residents.

Ms Stafford said many of their clients are employed, but only in insecure jobs which make it hard for them to budget and pay bills.

“We have lots of people that are doing casual roles, particularly here in Wyndham, which is causing a real challenge. They can’t get the stable hours and that consistent income coming through to try and make ends meet,” she said.

As a rapidly growing area where migrants make up a large portion of the new arrivals , Ms Stafford said insecure, casual work was more prevalent in places like Wyndham.

“To get that foot through the door, the casual labor market is the best way to do that,” she said, adding that Wyndham CEC were working with local employers on strategies to upskill employees and provide them with longer term roles.

Wyndham’s unemployment rate of 4.5 per cent was behind neighbouring Hobsons Bay on 3.1 per cent, but ahead of Melton on 5.4, Hume on 6.3 and Brimbank on 6.4 per cent.