Wyndham leads of driving down emissions

Photovoltaic panels

By Esther Lauaki

Wyndham is among the best performing councils in Australia in driving down emissions, a study has found.
The Net Zero Momentum Tracker Local Government Sector report, which assessed Australia’s 57 largest councils, found Wyndham was among the few making comprehensive commitments to reduce emissions to zero by 2050.
The report, produced by ClimateWorks Australia, was the third in a series of studies tracking climate commitments made by major Australian companies, organisations and governments.
Wyndham council, which was used as a case study in the report, has been running its Large-Scale Solar and Lighting the West programs for the past five years.
The programs resulted in council exceeding its emissions reduction target for 2018/19 by 12 per cent to 20,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide annually, compared to 25,000 tonnes the year before .
Environment and sustainability portfolio holder Heather Marcus said Wyndham council was one of the most proactive in Australia when it came to sustainability.
“With street lights and electricity output accounting for 82 per cent of council’s greenhouse gas emissions, these programs play an essential role in helping us reach our long-term goal of being carbon neutral,” Cr Marcus said.
“Wyndham city is not just planning for sustainability – we’re acting on and exceeding our green ambitions.”
Other proposals by Wyndham council to drive down emissions include a community bulk buy program for discounted solar panels, battery storage and energy efficient appliances, grants and support for community energy projects and education programs to inform the community and businesses about energy bill reduction and solar power.
ClimateWorks cities and policy program manager Petra Stock said the study reminded the community that “decisions made by councils matter”.
“Not only are they generating public awareness and enthusiasm for a broader transition, they are collaborating with other jurisdiction to share knowledge and join combined initiatives, and lobbying other levels of government to take more ambitious action.”
Information: bit.ly/2H1S5ya