Wyndham Central College celebrates multicultural week

It was a week of celebration for groups and individuals. (Chris Walter).

Wyndham Central College participated in their annual multicultural week celebrations from May 15 to 19.

The vibrant spectacle showcased the diverse community and connected their young people to the cultures that makes up the school’s DNA.

Wyndham Central College has over 1400 students, 40 percent of whom come from families with have English as their second language.

Multicultural week kicked off with a whole school assembly where Wathaurong Elder Aunty Judith Dalton-Walsh delivered an Acknowledgement to Country alongside the schools Young Mob students. After a mentoring session with Alumni student Samuel M Deng Malual, a smoking ceremony was performed by Troy West, the schools Marrung Leader alongside other Young Mob students.

Throughout the week there were student lead dance groups.

Indian, Karen, Burmese, Samoan, Tongan, Māori, Pacific Islands, K-Pop, Somalian, Ethiopian and Main African dancing told traditional stories, demonstrated their connection to ancestors and taught the practice of ceremonies across the globe.

Assistant principal Ashley Rowe worked with the student representative group to coordinate the week’s activities which asked an essential question- ‘Why is it important to acknowledge culture and tradition, and how can we celebrate it as a group?’

The event raised a cross cultural bond for staff and students with a sense of community connectedness that promotes lifelong and life wide learning for all participants.