Wyndham celebrates diversity

Mayor Peter Maynard and Crs Jasmine Hill and Robert Szatkowski joined local community members at the event aimed at unifying Wyndham (Supplied)

Fatima Halloum

The Australian Multicultural Women’s Association concluded Wyndham’s cultural diversity week celebrations with an event aimed at celebrating the multicultural municipality.

AMWA is a not for profit organisation targeted at building the voices of multicultural women.

Founder Geet Gaba said the event was held to bring the local community together and help them connect with one another.

“We aimed to foster inclusiveness, respect and the idea that people of all different cultures can make a valuable contribution to society,” Ms Gaba said.

“We celebrated our differences, as well as our common interests which has helped unite and educate us.”

The occasion featured multicultural dance performances and networking opportunities and Ms Gaba said the event was “successful” and would hopefully lead to more collaboration between not-for-profit organisations in Wyndham.

“The Australian Multicultural Women Association would like to invite all non for profit and charitable associations to join hands and service the community together.”