Work starts on youth refuge

Work has started on the West Refuge. (Supplied)

By Alesha Capone

Construction has started on a refuge in Werribee which will provide accommodation and services for young homeless people.

The West Refuge, located in Wyndham Street, will be run by Melbourne City Mission (MCM).

The state government has contributed $3.35 million to the project, which the Property Industry Foundation is also supporting, along with more than $460,000 in pro-bono services provided by several consultants.

The West Refuge will provide emergency and crisis accommodation, plus 24-hour staffing and support, for up to 10 young people aged 15-to-25-years old.

The site will include two family units to assist young parents and their children; a children’s play area; and offer education and independent living skill programs on site.

The Werribee refuge will also link in with MCM’s suite of programs for young people which are offered at its service hub in South Road, Braybrook, and other youth supports across Melbourne’s west.

MCM homelessness, justice and family services general manager Wayne Merritt said the West Refuge would be “well placed to respond to the needs of young people who are experiencing, or at risk, of homelessness in Melbourne’s western suburbs”.

“Construction of the West Refuge comes as a concerning number of young people are experiencing homelessness in the City of Wyndham, which increased by 76 per cent in the last five years,” Mr Merritt said.

“On census night in 2016, 730 people identified as homeless. Of those, 384 – over half – were aged between 12-24 years old.

“The West Refuge will give more young people in Melbourne’s western suburbs an opportunity to remain connected with their community while at the same time access our programs, including housing support, therapeutic and mental health programs.”

Construction of the refuge is due to be completed by the end of the year.

Mr Merritt said in-ground plumbing has been completed at the Wyndham Street construction site.

“We are now in the process of pouring the ground floor concrete slab,” he said.