For local expert mortgage broker Niti Bhargava, empowering migrant women toward financial independence is a personal ambition.
Migrating from India 19 years ago, Ms Bhargava has an extensive resume working in Australia’s banking and finance sector. Supported by Kororoit MP Luba Grigovitch, Ms Bhargava is hosting a free financial literacy seminar for migrant women in Melbourne.
The seminar will take women through, the importance of financial literacy, how to better equip themselves to plan for their future and how to participate in their own wealth management.
Ms Bhargava said she has witnessed first-hand the cultural barriers which have led migrant women to fall behind in their financial literacy.
“That was the basis of this program, these seminars are a great resource for culturally diverse women. Especially with the market we are in at the moment, it is important for women to get financially educated and empowered,” she said.
Ms Bhargava said for women who migrate, it is difficult to stay afloat without having adequate financial resources or financial understanding. She said many migrant women from South Asian countries have never worked before and rely on the male figures in their life to make financial decisions.
“When they arrive in Australia, because of the demand of surviving financially they have to work and it is often for the first time in their life,” she said.
“I have seen many cases where women might be earning more than their husband but they have no control of their finances, they have no idea where their banking is, and are never given a debit card, instead they have to continually ask their husband for money.”
The free seminar will run on July 28, from 6-7pm at Shop 2, 11 Commercial Road, Caroline Springs.
Details: www.resolvefinance.com.au/financialliteracyevent/
Hannah Hammoud