Wheely good time

Bellbridge Primary School pupils Winston, Zilyah; and Oliver are taking part in National Ride2School Day. Photo by Damjan Janevski. 204355_07


Students from Bellbridge Primary School participated in National Ride2School Day on Friday.

The occasion marked the sixth year in which the Hoppers Crossing school has taken part in the annual cycling event.

Across Australia, more than 350,000 students joined National Ride2School Day activities last week.

Bellbridge’s assistant principal Belinda Onofretchook said the school aimed to have at least half of its pupils to ride, scoot or walk to school every day, even in winter months.

“We have around 700 enrolments, so at least 350 students travel actively to school each day,” she said.

Ms Onofretchook said there were many benefits of riding a bike to school, including reducing the number of cars on the road; improved health and fitness for youngsters; and increased independence and social interaction.

“My advice to a parent thinking about their child riding to school for the first time is to walk or ride with your child to familiarise themselves with the route to school,” she said.

“Ensure they are aware of safety procedures when crossing roads.

“Younger students are encouraged to walk or ride with older siblings or with friends.

“Travel along our school’s active travel paths – red, blue or green.”

Ms Onofretchook said every week the school held a “Wheel and Walk Wednesday”, in which children were encouraged to walk or ride to school.

“The classes that have the highest active travel rates each week get a trophy and sole use of a playground for one recess/lunch break,” she said.