Werribee Mansion exhibition open for viewing

Parks Victoria ranger team leader Adam Smith with the exhibition. (Damjan Janevski) 301282_02

The exhibition celebrating 145 years of Werribee Mansion is open for public viewing.

Customer service officer Jenny Hanson said the exhibition was “a bit like a time capsule” and highlighted how Werribee Mansion had been a “good gathering place” for many residents.

“It consists of all of the past events that we’ve had, there’s also historic information, there’s timelines, there’s information about conservation of the house,” Ms Hanson said.

“We’ve basically tried to cover the 145 years and all the different things that have happened in that time.”

The exhibition also features personal stories, memories and photos from people who had visited the mansion.

Ms Hanson said the submissions came from “all over the place” and shared stories from people across the state.

“It showed the diversity, it showed the amazing experiences we’ve been able to create for people,” she said.

“It’s a real community hub from what I’ve gathered by all the photos, it brings people from all walks of life, for all different reasons.

“It’s a place for people to celebrate and enjoy themselves and in a way, [the exhibition] is kind of thanking them, and it’s a celebration of all of us.”

Ms Hanson said the exhibition will run until at least the end of the year at Werribee Mansion.