Weekend road blitz


Police caught nine drunk drivers, 5 drug drivers and 48 speeding motorists in Wyndham during Operation Scoreboard over the AFL Grand Final long weekend.

The four-day, statewide road policing operation involved police targeting high-risk driving behaviour, with a particular focus drink and drug driving.

Along with drink and drug drivers, there was 1 other drink/drug offence recorded in Wyndham, 9 vehicles impounded, 8 disqualified drivers, 7 unlicensed drivers, 7 unregistered vehicles and 11 caught disobeying signs or signals.

Eight mobile phone offences and 5 seatbelt offences were also detected.

Road Policing Assistant Commissioner, Glenn Weir said Operation Scoreboard uncovered some disappointing behaviour from motorists.

“Police focused heavily on drink and drug drivers, and while pleasingly the majority of those tested were doing the right thing, we still detected 343 drink and drug driving offences over the weekend – this is unacceptable.”

While there were no deaths on Wyndham roads over the long weekend, Assistant Commissioner Weir expressed concern about the four fatalities recorded statewide.

“With the number of lives lost now at a seven-year high, it is paramount that we all do everything we can to stop more trauma on our roads this year.

Now is not the time to be complacent”.