Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry federal budget submission


In its federal budget 2022-23 submission, the Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry has identified access to an international skilled labour force, addressing cost of living constraints and the building of a “world class” freight terminal as priorities for businesses in Victoria.

In a statement, the chamber said as the state peak industry body, it represents more than 65,000 members and clients, advocating for better conditions for Victorian businesses.

“[The] submission captures 24 recommendations and priorities under the two themes of activating Victorian businesses and building for our future. They prioritise targeted support for business, improving skills and training, investment in infrastructure and manufacturing and easing the cost of doing business,” the chamber said.

“These recommendations would help future proof our economy and provide the right conditions for businesses to thrive and help our economy rebuild after the pandemic.”

The chamber identified its priorities through round table discussions, member surveys and independent focus groups.

They include:

• Allow more flexibility in the visa conditions for migrant workers, so they can work in other areas of need when there is a pressing demand

• Recognise more foreign qualifications, work experience and training of migrant workers, particularly in areas with critical skills shortages

• Reward international workers who have worked in Australia on employee sponsored and priority migration skilled occupation visas to have direct pathways to permanent residency

• Change post-study visa duration for international students from between two to four years to a minimum of four years to encourage industry to invest in international talent

• Fund the Western Interstate Freight Terminal to revitalise industry, create Victorian jobs and cement Victoria’s place as Australia’s principal freight point

• Provide interim income tax relief to incentivise more Australians to work a second job and keep more businesses operating

• Negotiate a national approach to payroll taxation to create a consistent, employment-friendly payroll tax threshold

• Provide a national roadmap on how Australia effectively transitions towards renewable energy to businesses so that they can plan for and commence the transition to clean energy

• Introduce a subsidy for industries transitioning to clean hydrogen as a primary energy source to kickstart the transition to clean energy.

Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry chief executive Paul Guerra said the peak body played a “vital role” in advocating for what business needs to thrive in a “COVID Normal Victoria”.

“This will be a critical budget for Victoria as we look to turbocharge our economic recovery. These recommendations are based on direct feedback from business, who have been the heart and soul of our economy and communities throughout the COVID-19 pandemic,” Mr Guerra said.

“These recommendations would help to future-proof Victoria, giving our industries the leg-up they need to propel us into pole position across industry, technology, infrastructure, education, tourism and the economy, and leading the other states by example.

“The Western Intermodal Freight Terminal will not only provide greater access to the world for Victorian exporters, but for exporters across Australia, while also allowing for the smoother delivery of imports. It is an essential piece of infrastructure that will drive economic growth.

“This submission provides the opportunity to restore Victoria’s status as an economic powerhouse and Melbourne’s mantle as the world’s most liveable city by enabling business to lead our recovery and growth.”