With fire season approaching, Wyndham council is reminding remind land-owners to maintain their vacant lots.
Long grass and rubbish can become fire hazards during the summer season between December and March.
To avoid fire risk, residents should ensure that grass and vegetation on their property is kept at a maximum height of 150mm, including around fence lines, and all litter and flammable substances are removed.
Wyndham council recommends lot owners install temporary fencing around their property to mitigate rubbish dumping and collecting on their land.
Council officers will be conducting inspections over the coming months and fines will be sent to land-owners who have not maintained their vacant lot.
Wyndham’s Climate Futures Office manager, Peter McKinnon, said it was imperative that land-owners do the right thing this fire season.
“It’s really important for the safety of everyone that land-owners maintain their property,” he said.
“Your help, understanding and compliance is critical in reducing the risk of fires starting and spreading within the area.”
“Ensuring your vacant lot is maintained and free from rubbish are simple steps you can take to keep our community safe this summer.”
For more information about vacant lot maintenance requirements, see: www.wyndham.vic.gov.au/services/local-laws-permits/laws-permits-residents/maintaining-your-property