Upgraded sporting pavilion for Little River

The upgraded sporting pavilion at Little River Reserve. (supplied).

An upgrade of the sporting pavilion and other facilities at Little River Reserve has been completed.

The $1.6 million retrofit funded by Wyndham council included an expansion of the existing pavilion, new change rooms, umpires rooms, a first-aid room and an external storeroom.

A new public toilet block has been added while existing toilets have been upgraded.

Improvements to the car park and better water and power supplies to the pavilion were also part of the works, which Wyndham councillor Peter Maynard said were necessary to cater for a growing community.

“As our population continues to grow, it’s important that our community facilities keep

pace – and the Little River Reserve Pavilion retrofit will give this community the

infrastructure it needs to enjoy active and healthy lives,” Cr Maynard said.

The upgraded pavilion comes two years after the redevelopment of the Little River Tennis Courts and is among 14 sporting pavilions being improved across Wyndham.