The health and wellbeing of Wyndham’s multicultural women will be on the agenda this Friday at Arndell Community Centre in Truganina.
The centre will host the first edition of the Unity in Wellness program, a series of monthly workshops aimed at improving the health and wellbeing of women, particularly those from multicultural backgrounds.
An initiative of the Australian Multicultural Women Association INC (AMWA) and supported by Wyndham council, the free workshops will be held on the first Friday of each month from June through to December.
AMWA chief executive Geet Garba said the workshops were a response to rising demand for health advice among women.
“This is very very important because we receive two to four calls everyday from women who need support and don’t know where to go,” said Ms Garba who pointed out that many national charities with hotlines set up to provide mental health support, were so busy that it was often impossible to get through.
She said the Unity in Wellness program would give participants direct access to a range of health and wellness experts.
“We have a mental health nurse, mindfulness coaches and keynotes speakers who will be giving information on how we can build our mindfulness,” said Ms Garba, who added that women would also be empowered to help themselves.
“It will include activities where women will explore ideas of how they can educate themselves and build their careers.”
Each workshop will have space for 25 to 30 participants and will be open to all women, not just those from migrant and non-English speaking backgrounds.
Ms Garba said they could even open up future workshops to the opposite sex too.
“We are getting a lot of calls to involve males as well, but we’re starting with women and we’ll see how it goes,” she said.
Details and registration: email :helpdesk.amwagroup@gmail.com