Uniting to spread Christmas cheer

Case managers Rachel Dutson, Natalie Ward and Amberley Kelly. (Damjan Janevski) 47018_01

Uniting VicTas Wyndham needs your help to ensure families will be able to experience the fun and joy of Christmas.

The Christmas Gifts for Families Appeal will be accepting new gifts such as toys and puzzles, sporting equipment, books, new clothes, e-gift cards, movie vouchers and gifts for adults.

With the housing and cost-of-living crises putting a strain on many in the community, more families than ever are expected to ask for assistance this year.

Uniting Vic.Tas Wyndham emergency relief co-ordinator Maddy Farnaby said cost-of-living pressures have stretched many budgets to breaking point.

“Whether it’s the cost of rent, gas and electricity or putting fuel in the car, we know people are really struggling. Affording the necessities is now out of reach for many and they’re having to choose between putting food on the table and paying their bills,” she said.

With tough times comes the opportunity to make a difference and make the world a little brighter for some.

“Putting smiles on the faces of families and providing gifts to deserving children and young people is so rewarding. We hope you; your group, school, workplace or family can make sure there are gifts under every Christmas tree in our community,” Ms Farnaby said.

Uniting are also looking for donations of non-perishable food, so that families have something to put on the table for Christmas Day.

Donations can be made in-person at 1 Duncans Road, Werribee or by 9051 1200 and werribee.hub.reception@vt.uniting.org

Jaidyn Kennedy