Tweet tweet, it’s almost bird count time

(Chris Stenger/Unsplash)

The Aussie Bird Count by BirdLife Australia is running October 17-23, so it’s time to pull out your binoculars and register.

The all-ages activity involves counting and observing the birds in your area, including in Sunbury and the Macedon Ranges, in the garden, your local beach or park, even in your local town. This helps BirdLife Australia understand better the birds and wildlife all around you.

Taking part is super easy – just spend 20 minutes in your most loved outdoor spot and tell BirdLife about all the birds you see during that time.

The Aussie Bird Count app includes a built-in bird finder to help you find the feathered friends you can’t identify yourself.

You can submit your count in two different ways, firstly through the online web form which will go live on October 14, or the Aussie Bird Count app.
