Turn your clocks back, and check your smoke alarm says CFA

The CFA has reminded residents in Wyndham to turn their clocks back for the end of daylight savings, as well as test their smoke alarms.

Daylight savings ends officially at 3:00am on Sunday April 3, 2022.

Taking the time to turn back your clocks is a good chance to add another task to the list and test all the smoke alarms in your home, said the CFA.

All smoke alarms have a 10-year life span and need to be replaced, having a non-working smoke alarms could be a liability in an emergency, said CFA deputy chief officer Trevor Owen.

“In a fire, only a working smoke alarm can save your life,” he said.

“Smoke alarms are designed to wake you when a fire starts to provide you and your family with the earliest possible warning to get out safely.

“If your smoke alarms aren’t working properly, you may miss that vital early warning sign that could save the lives of you and your family.

“If you don’t have a working smoke alarm in your home and a fire occurs, you are four times more likely to die and 26 per cent more likely to suffer serious injuries.

“A good reminder is to test all of your smoke alarms every year at the end of daylight savings.”