Local clean-up groups are calling for people, organisations and businesses to get behind their Clean Up Australia Day events in Wyndham.
Love Our Street 3030 will host a clean-up in and around Chirnside Park in Werribee this week.
The Love Our Street 3024 group, which covers Manor Lakes and Wyndham Vale, will hold an event next month.
Love Our Street 3030 co-ordinator Lisa Field said that both of the events would be family-friendly, and provide participants with a great way to give back to you community.
Ms Field said she would also like to thank the events’ business supporters Paper-Go-Round and Werribee Business & Tourism for their assistance.
Clean Up Australia Day, which will fall on Sunday, March 7 this year, encourages people across the nation to help remove litter from parks, streets and other locations on any day of the year.
The Love Our Street 3030 Werribee clean-up will be held on Sunday 28 February from 9am-11am, with registrations to be based at the barbecue and toilet area of Chirnside Park in Watton Street, Werribee.
The Love Our Street 3024 event will run Saturday, March 6 from 10.30am–midday at the Eco-Living Centre, 28 Ridge Drive, Wyndham Vale.
Bring your own rubbish collection bag or use one provided. Tongs and pick-up sticks will be available, but are not to be shared without sanitising between uses.
Due to COVID safety rules, gloves will we will not be provided at the events. Attendees will be required to sign in.
Find @LoveOurStreetWerribee and @Love Our Street3024 on Facebook and Evenetbrite for more details.
Event and sponsor inquiries: Lisa Field on 0433 559 530.