Wyndham dog Billie, along with her feline companions Gracie and Leo di Catrio, has an Instagram account named 2catsandadoginoz.
Their owner Dominique said she created the Instagram for her beloved pets, all of whom she adopted as rescues, this year.
“Gracie was my first pet and she is now seven years old,” Dominique said.
“She is not sure what to think of Billie and basically looks down on her and hisses whenever Billie tries to play with her.”
Dominique described Leo di Catrio as “a big gentle ginger cat” who is aged five years old.
“He is okay with Billie but she can be a bit rough with him so he will let her know when he has had enough,” she said.
“Billie is the big goofy dog: she is equal parts Rottweiler, Staffy and boxer and just turned one.
“She is always up to some mischief and loves her big cat siblings.”
Details: www.instagram.com/2catsandadoginoz/