The pretty face of Wyndham’s cultural diversity

Shreya Pradhan, Wyndham representative in the Australian Miss Teen Galaxy Final (supplied).

Cade Lucas

‘World peace’: it’s the cliche offered by beauty pageant contestants when asked what’s important to them.

Fortunately, Point Cook’s, Shreya Pradhan, finalist in the 2023 Miss Teen Galaxy Australia pageant, has a better answer: ‘cultural diversity.’

For the daughter of Nepali immigrants representing one of the most multicultural regions in the country, it’s an appropriate cause.

“I feel like in my role representing Wyndham I’d like to advocate for cultural diversity” said the 17

Year old Suzanne Cory High School student who grew up dreaming of competing in beauty pageants and entered Miss Teen Galaxy after seeing an ad on social media.

If she wins the Australian title on May 3 in Sydney, Pradhan won’t just be promoting cultural diversity, she’ll get to experience plenty of it too.

“After this round whoever does win Miss Teen will end up competing internationally” she said.

Finding the time could be a problem though.

Pradhan is also model, dancer, representative athlete, VCE student and even a business owner.

“I started a jewellery business and now it’s expanded into a party hire business” Pradhan said of the business she started at 15.

And the future?

“I’m thinking of studying medicine or architecture,” she said.

A high achiever aiming even higher.