The Gordon’s leadership program set to begin


Wyndham residents will soon be the first students to take part in The Gordon Institute of TAFE’s executive leadership program.

Fifteen students from the municipality will follow a six month immersive and innovative leadership program developed to build key skills that empower and enable emerging leaders.

The Gordon’s executive director commercial business Jana Perera said the program will be delivered by facilitators who have extensive experience in various sectors.

“Leadership competencies are changing rapidly and the past is not the future. Challenges and opportunities, never seen before, abound along with the need for business success in existing environments,” Ms Perera said.

“Leaders need to create, innovate, cultivate and implement robust, yet flexible strategies.”

Ms Perera said The Gordon conducted thorough consultation with industry and community to understand the areas that needed support.

“All sector groups declared a clear need for greater leadership capability within their organisations, with many struggling through the COVID-19 related challenges imposed upon them,” Ms Perera said.

“The gaps in leadership capability severely hamstrung the delivery of many organisations’ strategic objectives, diluting their results.”

Ms Perera said The Gordon listened closely and “as a key education partner” has now invested in the program to Wyndham residents achieve their goals.

“Extensive research further confirms that that leaders need to transition with the changing nature of work,” Ms Perera said.

“They need to be more agile and responsive to industry and community needs to raise workforce capability.”

The hope is the program will support participants to become stronger as individuals, better teams leaders, hone strategic thinking and increase industry leader’s contribution.

“Ultimately the program is all about realising leadership potential and raising the capability of key senior leaders to in turn impact and influence all around them,” Ms Perera said.

The program will commence on Tuesday, May 2.