Tanika takes May youth award

Tanika Fry is Wyndham young person of the month for May. (Damjan Janevski) 405324_01

Sixteen year old Wyndham Vale student Tanika Fry has been named Wyndham’s young person of the month for May.

A proud Aboriginal and Samoan woman who is studying as a year 11 at Wyndham Central College, Tanika is a cultural leader and role model involved in a range of community initiatives that encourage young people to connect with their culture and recognise the importance of cultural understanding and knowledge.

She is a member of Nesian Youth and a key organiser of this year’s successful Nesian Rise event, while also helping run the Young Mob program in schools and leading activities for Reconciliation Week, Harmony Week and Multicultural Week.

Unsurprisingly, Tanika nominated leadership as one of the reasons why she was chosen for the award.

“It was a bit unexpected (being named young person of the month), but I think I would’ve received it for my leadership and teamwork skills and my will to put my all into something I do.”

In addition to cultural leadership, Tanika is also a leader at school, where she is both a house captain and class captain.

Despite occupying a variety of leadership positions in her youth, Tanika was coy as to whether she would pursue similar roles into the future.

“My hopes for the future are to be happy and content and to have fun and find adventure and creativity in anything I do whilst also continuing my education after high school and finding an occupation that I enjoy and benefits the community and people around me,” she said.

“But beyond all of this I wish to make not only myself but my parents and the other people who continue to support me proud.”

It’s a wish that will almost certainly be granted, if it hasn’t been already.

Cade Lucas.