Swimming for a cause

Will D'Cruz is participating in the Starlight Super Swim during the month of February. (Damjan Janevski) 317215_05

Ten year old Will D’Cruz has walked to raise money for breast cancer awareness, donated all of his pocket money to charities looking after animals affected by bushfires, and during February, will swim two kilometre’s in an effort to raise funds for the Starlight Super Swim.

His mother Amy said the family are monthly givers to the Starlight Foundation, which seeks to support sick children in hospital by providing social and emotional care.

Ms D’Cruz said she had often spoken to her son about her own brother, who battled cancer at a young age and was supported by the Starlight Foundation.

“The first time, we said ‘would you like to do this?’ cause he’s actually quite a good swimmer,” she said.

“He said, ‘yeah okay, cool’.

“We asked him last year if he wanted to do it, and he said he didn’t really feel like it, and then this year he said ‘I think I want to do it again this year’.

“It makes us feel proud that he’s doing this.”

Will said he feels “very happy” to be participating in the super swim.

“I really want to help others have their dreams,” he said.

“If you have friends that maybe someone in their family has had cancer, maybe you can tell them about it.”

Ms D’Cruz said this time, Will enlisted the help of his basketball and footy teams as well.

“[He told them] these are not as lucky as us to play sport, so if you can support it that would be awesome,” she said.

“He’s going to try to do something, even if it’s small.”

Will takes his dedication to his commitment seriously, and trains often at the local swimming pool, his grandma’s outdoor pool and even snuck in some laps at the hotel pool while his was on holiday.

Details: superswim.org.au/will-d-cruz