By Afraa Kori
After a courageous battle, Myrniong’s Lynn Burgess conquered cancer in just over a year.
She spotted a lump on her armpit while shaving when she was pregnant with her son.
“I found the lump when I was about eight months and I was diagnosed when he was three weeks old,“ Lynn said.
“When I was diagnosed, it was a bit of a shock because I was first told it was melanoma and then I was told it was triple negative breast cancer. My mom and my husband were just silent.
“I texted my other family and friends, because I just didn’t know how to tell them in person. I know that’s awful, but it’s the only way I could do it. The hardest part was seeing my loved ones, really sad. It’s easier for you to go through it, than watch people you love go through it.”
Lynn ensured an extremely heavy course of treatment, including a mastectomy, chemotherapy, radiation therapy and immunotherapy.
“The original lump was in my armpit and it spread to my lymph nodes. It grew pretty quick, it’s about the size of a golf ball,” she said.
“To be honest, I gave myself a day to be shocked. Then I just said to the doctors, you can do whatever you want with my body, but you can’t take my mind. So, I had treatment once a week and that was the only day I thought about it.
“I lost all my hair, I gained weight from being pregnant and gained more weight from steroids. I didn’t really look in the mirror that much, I had no idea who I was. I just kept reminding myself that internally, I am the same person. It’s just externally that doesn’t really match up.”
For Lynn, cancer did not stop her life, motherhood and self-expression.
“My son got me through it because I woke up in the morning and he just wanted me to be a mum, so that’s what I did,“ she said.
“Even after my mastectomy, I developed a way to get him out of the cot with one arm. Nothing stopped me! I made sure I was there for that baby every single day. He had no idea that I had cancer and he didn’t care that I was huge from steroids or bald. Cancer made our bond stronger because he just loved me for who I was.
“I just made sure I was out doing normal, everyday things as best as I could. I did have days where I was very scared of the inevitable and that happens to everyone. But I just spoke to family and friends about how I felt.
“I know it may be confronting for people but I think it’s important to find someone that you can confide in that won’t judge you. If you don’t have that, write it down and burn the piece of paper. That’s what I did a lot and got it out of my system.
“At the time, I used to be like why me? But now I look at myself in the mirror and say, ‘you beat that’. Obviously, science helps, but my body is phenomenal. It carried a human and it beat cancer. I’m just so thankful that I’m here and I’m starting to feel more myself.”
Lynn said her journey is proof that misconceptions about breast cancer exist.
“I just want everyone to be aware that it’s very common. You always hear from someone else, but it can be you tomorrow. I know that’s awful to say, but I always heard of everyone else being unwell. I have no breast cancer history and no one in my family has had breast cancer,“ she said.
“I did the genetic testing and it came back negative. I thought it had to be in your family to get it and I learned fairly quick that it was the roll of a dice and it just picked me for whatever reason.
“Men need to understand compassion, that’s a big thing in listening to a woman. If it is your wife, your sister, your auntie, your mum, just tell them they’re beautiful. Never tell them, your hair will grow back, or it’s just a boob or you don’t need a boob. Just say, ‘I don’t understand but what can I do to help?’ Don’t try and presume you know how someone feels because everyone is different.
“I also had a lot of people tell me, you don’t look like you have cancer. But just because you don’t look like you have cancer doesn’t mean you don’t have cancer. Don’t presume that someone’s doing really well with having their breasts removed or their hair falling out and their eyelashes gone. Just don’t put words in their mouths!”
Western Health breast care nurse consultant Sue Komp urged women to prioritise their health.
“The most important thing is being aware of your own body and then acting on it as soon as you’re concerned. So if you feel a lump or you feel something is not right, see your GP as soon as you can. They can organise mammograms, ultrasound and then a referral into an outpatient clinic,“ she said.
“If you exercise for 30 minutes a day, you’re going to improve your chance of staying healthy. This is why Western Health runs the gym program for our breast cancer ladies because we know the value of exercise. Good nutrition, reducing your alcohol, no smoking and just leading a healthy lifestyle is really the most beneficial. I cannot emphasise enough exercise and how important it is.”
Sue said Lynn’s positivity was infectious.
“Lynn was exceptional because she was so positive the whole way through. She always had this attitude of ‘what do we need to do next? We need to get on with this and get it done’,“ Sue said,
“Lynn’s positive attitude is infectious. When she comes into the clinic, she really does make everything lighter. Even when she was going through all her treatment, it reminds you that this is why you do what you do. Not everybody is going to be as positive as Lynn, but it’s really important to try and bring some of that positivity that she brings to you to pay it forward.
“Her positivity is quite specific to her and you would like to think that by putting out that positive message may make it less confronting for people, particularly young mums her age. At the end of the day it’s really an individual thing.
“I think people maybe without cancer will read the story and just be in awe of her but that’s not denigrating those people who don’t have the same zest for life. It doesn’t mean that they’re managing it any worse, it’s just how they manage it. I think Lynn sends a real positive message that I think a lot of people should and could embrace.”