Students are riding high

Truganina South Primary students Katie and Kiyan got on their bikes for Ride2School (Damjan Janevski) 464907_02

Truganina South Primary School students got on their bikes for Ride2School Day last week.

Students were encouraged to travel to school by riding, scooting or walking in the name of promoting healthier lifestyles, easing traffic congestion and reducing carbon emissions.

The event, which has run at the school for seven years, was held on March 21 and also included a ‘decorate your bike’ competition.

Werribee Men’s Shed volunteers visited the school to conduct basic bike maintenance.

Truganina South vice principal Cass Beckman said the day was a huge success.

“The most rewarding part of the event was seeing the smiles on children’s faces travelling to school with their family and friends,” she said.

“Lots of families spoke about actively travelling to school more often.”

Jaidyn Kennedy