State dance award for school

St Peter Apostle Primary School students perform on stage. (Supplied Wakakirri)

St Peter Apostle Primary School has received a state award for its performance in the The Wakakirri Story-Dance Festival.

The Hoppers Crossing school won the award for its performance of ‘The Garden of Life’ at the awards showcase night on September 14, a display that saw it also nominated for the upcoming national award.

Wakakirri ambassador Christopher Politis described the performance as “ a beautifully shown story about the beauty of life”.

The story is about a young girl and the garden that grows alongside her and shares her emotions.

St Peter Apostle Primary School’s performance coordinator Ashley Joyce commented on the progress the students have made.

“We have been rehearsing this story since Term 1 this year and the students have been so enthusiastic and dedicated to the performance.”

“We are very proud of them!” she added.

Wakakirri Festival director Adam Loxley praised the performance.

“The standard of performance and the stories being told by schools this year was exceptional and St Peter Apostle Primary School should be very proud of their award,” he said.

Wakakirri is Australia’s largest performing arts event for schools with over 200 schools taking part in 2024.

The ethos of the festival is to convey great stories that inspire change, using story-dance as a medium to channel the thoughts, ideas and aspirations of students.