Stabilisation in office participation


Almost two-thirds of CBD-based employees, including those from Wyndham, are committed to attending the office in person between three and five days per week, new data reveals.

According to the latest CBD occupancy survey by the Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 42 per cent of employees are working from the office three to four days per week.

This is down from 46 per cent in March, while the number of employees working five days in the office has increased to 19 per cent following a significant drop to eight per cent in March.

Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry chief executive Paul Guerra said the data serves as a valuable resource for shaping the future of work in Melbourne’s CBD and beyond.

“These survey results offer crucial point-in-time insights on the evolving landscape of office work and its impact on Melbourne’s CBD,” Mr Guerra said.

“[It paints] a nuanced picture of how businesses and employees are navigating the ongoing hybrid work arrangements.

“With almost two-thirds of CBD-based employees committing to attending the office in person between three and five days per week, it’s evident that the office continues to play a vital role in our professional lives.

“Pleasingly, we’ve seen a significant jump in the number of office workers who are back full-time, or five days a week.

“From speaking to our members and colleagues, we are hearing that there is a growing cohort who choose to be back in five days because they want to get back to ‘normal’ patterns.”

The survey canvassed small, medium, large and family businesses across a range of sectors in the city to better understand the ongoing impacts of hybrid working arrangements on Melbourne’s CBD.