Sporting goods are among the most common presents unwrapped on Christmas Day, but this year Wyndham residents are being asked to gift balls, clubs, bats and apparel to people on Saturday December 16 rather than the 25th.
The significance of the earlier date is that it’s when Reclink will be running their annual Christmas sporting good donation drive, where unused or unwanted sporting equipment can be given to those less fortunate.
“We just think that like food, sports equipment is wasted,” said Reclink founder and donation drive organiser, Peter Cullen.
“Why waste sports equipment in these times when families are doing it tough?”
Following the donation drive the goods will then be distributed to disadvantaged communities, including those in Wyndham.
“I’ll go out in a vehicle leading into Christmas and give it (donated sporting equipment) out in front of various shops, which I do every year,” said Mr Cullen, adding that with the cost of living crisis biting, the donation drive was more important than ever and would help kids get outside and get active.
“It’s an opportunity over the holidays for children to get fitter through sports equipment. People can’t afford always to be part of sporting clubs and most kids are not part of sporting clubs, so it’s important, like the old days, that they play informally, that they have an opportunity to go down to the local outdoor courts and play with a really decent ball and get together with their neighbors and experience the physical and mental benefits then in the sense of inclusion with each other.”
All types of sporting equipment will be accepted as long as it’s in working order and can still be used.
The donation drive runs from 10am to 3pm on Saturday December 16 at 11-13 Gerves Drive Werribee.
Cade Lucas.