Benjamin Millar
The state government’s record $5.3 billion spend on public housing will see millions of dollars invested in Wyndham after it was declared one of the scheme’s priority sites.
The ‘Big Housing Build’ will see more than 12,000 new homes built across the state in the biggest public housing blitz on record.
Wyndham has been identified as one of 21 priority sites in the scheme, which is expected to support around 10,000 jobs each year over the next four years.
In announcing the spending last week, Premier Daniel Andrews said the project will be Australia’s biggest ever investment in public and community housing.
He said the investment will provide much needed housing for some of the state’s most vulnerable people and “supercharge” Victoria’s economic recovery through the pandemic and beyond.
“This package will boost our state’s social housing supply by 10 per cent in just four years – providing a stable foundation for thousands of Victorians to build their lives,” he said.
The program will deliver 9300 new social housing homes and a further 2900 new affordable and low-cost homes.
Mr Andrews said a quarter of the funding will be spent in regional Victoria.
The new homes will meet 7-star energy efficiency standards, making them more comfortable during summer and winter, and saving tenants money on power bills.
Mr Andrews said the unprecedented investment will generate an estimated $6.7 billion in economic activity and support more than 18,000 jobs at its peak – with 10 per cent of the work on major projects to be done by apprentices, cadets and trainees.
“This will change lives – giving thousands of Victorians the security and stability of a home, and tens of thousands of Victorians a job,” he said.
“It’s a profound investment in a stronger, fairer Victoria – a Victoria that recognises everyone deserves a place to call home.”