Show Your Westside returns

Sally Walshe. (Ljubica Vrankovic)_409808_05

Returning for another year, the Show Your Westside art exhibition will give artists across the west, including Wyndham, a space to display their art and win prizes generously donated by the community.

The exhibition is put on by artist Sally Walshe also known as Lady Mohawk, who said the lack of a community art space sparked the idea for the exhibition.

“I returned this year to run the exhibition because the community has repeatedly asked me to due to the success of last year,” she said.

“We lack non-exclusive art opportunities in the west, and particularly in Maribyrnong, for local artists.

“It’s also important to have free, accessible and inclusive art exhibitions for the whole community and there really aren’t any at the moment, especially in the inner west.”

This year’s theme is ‘west side stories’, which Ms Walshe said is open to interpretation for all who enter.

The exhibition is free to enter for school aged youths through to adults, for anyone across the western suburbs.

“I have changed the exhibition by having a broader theme, that way people can interpret it whichever way they want,” she said.

“I have also increased the mediums to include anything from audiovisual, paintings to performance art.

“I already have some wonderful artwork coming in, so I’m super excited.”

“We have over $5,300 of prizes available for youth and adults, all donated from local businesses.

Applications are open until Monday, July 1, or until capacity is reached.

The opening night will be August 2 for a month-long exhibition at 138 Nicholson Street, Footscray.


Jennifer Pittorino